Created by sebastien.popoff on 26/12/2016

Talks Wavefront shaping

Controlling Light in Complex Media

Sebastien M. Popoff

LOM Master Seminar

Friday, November 26 2016

Abstract: Seminar talk about the control of light in scattering media for focusing and imaging applications.

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Created by sebastien.popoff on 23/06/2014

Talks Wavefront shaping

Maximally efficient imaging through multimode fiber

 Joel A. Carpenter

CLEO 2014, San Jose, CA, USA
Thursday, 12 June, 2014

Polarization diverse images are generated at the end of a multimode fiber using spatial light modulators to completely characterize propagation through the fiber in terms of the eigenmodes.

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Created by sebastien.popoff on 13/05/2014

Talks Wavefront shaping

Photoacoustic Imaging with Coherent Light

Emmanuel Bossy

Workshop: Inverse Problems and Imaging, Paris
12 February 2013

Hosted by Yves Capdeboscq

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Created by sebastien.popoff on 18/11/2013

Talks Wavefront shaping

Coherent control of the total transmission of light through disordered media

Sébastien Popoff

FiO, Orlando, FL, USA,
October 2013

We demonstrate order of magnitude coherent control of total transmission of light through random media by shaping the wave front of the input light. To understand how the finite illumination area on a wide slab affects the maximum values of total transmission, we develop a model based on random matrix theory that reveals the role of long-range correlations. Its predictions are confirmed by numerical simulations and provide physical insight into the experimental results.
Presentation of the article [S.M. Popoff et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, (2014)]

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