Created by sebastien.popoff on 18/02/2021


Controlling the propagation of light in Multimode Fibers

Maxime Matthès, Ph.D. defense
February 12th 2021

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Created by sebastien.popoff on 12/06/2020

Talks Wavefront shaping

Time reversed optical waves by arbitrary vector spatiotemporal field generation

Mickael Mounaix, Nicolas K. Fontaine, David T. Neilson, Roland Ryf, Haoshuo Chen, Juan Carlos Alvarado-Zacarias and Joel Carpenter

This video published on J. Carpenter Youtube Channel explained the details of the experiment of this paper [Mounaix et al., arxiv, 1909.07003, (2019)]. The authors use spatial and spectral shaping with a spatial light modulator to achieve spatio-temporal focusing of light by time-reversal through a multimode fiber.

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Created by sebastien.popoff on 22/06/2019

Talks Wavefront shaping

Wavefront Shaping in Complex Media for Linear Analog Computation

Sebastien M. Popoff

PR'19: Photorefractive Photonics and beyond (Gerardmer, France), June 21 2019

Abstract: Performing linear operations using optical devices is a crucial building block in many fields ranging from telecommunications to optical analog computation and machine learning. For many of these applications, key requirements are robustness to fabrication inaccuracies, reconfigurability, and scalability. Traditionally, the conformation or the structure of the medium is optimized in order to perform a given desired operation. Since the advent of wavefront shaping, we know that the complexity of a given operation can be shifted toward the engineering of the wavefront, allowing, for example, to use any random medium as a lens. We propose to use this approach to use complex optical media such as multimode fibers or scattering media as a computational platform driven by wavefront shaping to perform analog linear operations. Given a large random transmission matrix representing the light propagation in such a medium, we can extract any desired smaller linear operator by finding suitable input and output projectors. We demonstrate this concept by finding input wavefronts using a Spatial Light Modulator that causes the complex medium to act as a desired complex-valued linear operator on the optical field.

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Created by sebastien.popoff on 21/05/2017

Talks Wavefront shaping

Wavefront Shaping in Complex Media:
From the Compensation to the Exploitation of Randomness

Sebastien M. Popoff

CLEO 2017 - San Jose, CA (USA), May 16 2017

Abstract: In the past ten years, many techniques were developed to control light propagation in complex transmission media using spatial light modulators. It involved applications in numerous fields including biomedical imaging and therapy, fiber endoscopy, cryptography, optical micromanipulation, optical spectroscopy, telecommunications and random lasers and also served as a tool for fundamental studies of light propagation in complex environments.

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