Created by sebastien.popoff on 22/05/2019
Semidefinite Programming for Intensity Only Estimation of the Transmission Matrix
The possibility of measuring the transmission matrix using intensity only measurements is a much sought-after feature as it allows us not to rely on interferometry. Interferometry usually requires laboratory-grade stability difficult to obtain for real-world applications. Typically, we want to be able to retrieve the transmission matrix from a set of pairs composed of input masks and output intensity patterns. However, this problem, which corresponds to a phase-retrieval problem, is not convex, hence difficult to solve using standard techniques. The idea proposed in [I. Waldspurger et al., Math. Program (2015)] is to relax some constraints to approximate the problem to a convex one that can be solved using the semidefinite programming approach. I briefly detail the approach and provide an example of the procedure to reconstruct the transmission matrix using Python. A Jupyter notebook can be found on my Github account: semidefiniteTM_example.ipynb. |
Created by sebastien.popoff on 13/12/2018
Numerical Estimation of Multimode Fiber Modes and Propagation Constants:Part 1: Straight FibersUnder the weakly guided approximation, analytical solutions for the mode profiles of step-index (SI) and graded-index (GRIN) multimode fibers (MMF) can be found [1]. It also gives a semi-analytical solution for the dispersion relation in SI MMFs, and, by adding stronger approximations, an analytical solution for the parabolic profile GRIN MMFs [2] (note that those approximations do fail for lower order modes). An arbitrary index profile requires numerical simulations to estimate the mode profiles and the corresponding propagation constants of the modes. I present in this tutorial how to numerically estimate the scalar solution for the profiles and propagation constants of guides modes in multimode circular waveguide with arbitrary index profile and in the presence of bending. I released a beta version of the Python module pyMMF based on such an approach [3]. It relies on expressing the transverse Helmholtz equation as an eigenvalue problem. Solutions are found by finding the eigenvectors of a large but sparse matrix representing the equation on the discretized space. |
Created by sebastien.popoff on 29/10/2016
Tutorials Spatial Light Modulators
Setting up a DMD: Diffraction effectsI recently acquired a Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) and when I started setting up the experiment, I faced a problem I did not anticipate which is closely related to blazed gratings. Due to the fact that the surface of a DMD is not flat, diffraction orders are shifted compared to the optical axis. This shift depends on the pixel pitch, the wavelength, and the incident angle. A close look at this diffraction phenomenon is important to configure an experimental setup properly. It is even relevant to consider this effect before choosing the appropriate DMD model to buy. |
Created by sebastien.popoff on 27/10/2014
Modes of step-index multimode fibers
Scattering media were the first type of "complex media" for which wavefront shaping techniques were applied. Quickly, applications were developed for multimode fibers as well. One can consider multimode fiber as a complex media; because of its inherent modal dispersion (different modes travel at different speeds) and also because of the possible coupling between modes, the output field of the fiber does not resemble its input one. Wavefront shaping in multimode fibers has had a fast development because of its applications in biomedical endoscopic imaging and for telecommunications, where the exploitation of the spatial modes in multimode fibers offers a promising way to increase data rates compared to single-mode fibers. I present here quickly the expression of the modes of a step-index multimode fiber and the so-called linearly polarized modes, that are convenient for manipulation using shaping techniques. |