Created by sebastien.popoff on 23/06/2020


DMD diffraction tool

I presented in this tutorial the diffraction effects occurring in a DMD setup. It corresponds to a blazed grating effect and depends on the wavelength \(\lambda\), the pixel pitch \(d\), the incident angle \(\alpha\), and the angle of the micro-mirrors \(\theta\). Here is a simple app (see source code on Github) to calculate the criterion for optimal diffraction efficiency and the aspect of the diffraction pattern in the far-field when illuminating the DMD with a plane wave of incident angle \(\alpha\) with respect to the normal of the surface.

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Created by sebastien.popoff on 12/06/2020

Talks Wavefront shaping

Time reversed optical waves by arbitrary vector spatiotemporal field generation

Mickael Mounaix, Nicolas K. Fontaine, David T. Neilson, Roland Ryf, Haoshuo Chen, Juan Carlos Alvarado-Zacarias and Joel Carpenter

This video published on J. Carpenter Youtube Channel explained the details of the experiment of this paper [Mounaix et al., arxiv, 1909.07003, (2019)]. The authors use spatial and spectral shaping with a spatial light modulator to achieve spatio-temporal focusing of light by time-reversal through a multimode fiber.

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Created by sebastien.popoff on 14/01/2020


2020 IEEE Summer Topical Meeting Series

July 13th - 15th 2020

 Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Virtual Conference

Structure Light Interaction with Matter and the Environment (SL) & Space Division Multiplexing (SDM)

Link: here

The IEEE Summer Topical Meeting Series serves as an international forum to facilitate information exchange between various technical communities using or affected by rapidly growing areas of technology or “Hot Topics” related to the general field of Photonics. This intimate environment provides the opportunity to learn about emerging fields and to interact with the research and technology leaders. Historically, the conference hosts 4-7 individual topics and attracts 250+ people with 30-50 participants attending each topic. The smaller meeting size provides the flexibility to pilot new and unique ideas.

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Created by sebastien.popoff on 15/11/2019

Tutorials Spatial Light Modulators

About mechanical stability using Vialux DMDs

We have been using DMDs from Vialux for a few years now, and I already published few posts about different effects that need to be taken into account when working with such devices (in particular aberrations and diffraction effects). One more trivial, but potentially troublesome, effect is due to vibrations, that come from the FPGA board and transmitted through the rigid flat cables. In this quick post, I show the damaging effect of vibrations and how to easily get rid of them, at least partially.

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